But as Einstein famously said, there are only two infinite things in this world: the universe and human stupidity, and there are doubts about the former. The evolution of human biology never stood a chance in a race with technological progress, and a global disaster was only a question of time.
The golden age of humanity ended in 2075. We were not able to reverse global warming and eventually most of Antarctica's ice disappeared. Sea levels rose, and we lost the Maldives, Bangladesh, Laos, and the Netherlands. Mass migration on a global scale triggered a wave of local wars across the planet, culminating in a nuclear terrorist attack on Washington. Retaliation strikes on several Middle East countries marked the beginning of the Third World War. Short and brutal, for most people that was the end. Europe, western Russia, the Middle East, North America, and China became known as The Deadlands.
The ensuing nuclear winter lasted ten long years. Ashes blocked the Sun, and temperatures below 30 degrees devastated what was left of nature. The world was a harsh place, without food, law, and order, and many more people died.